Maintaining Kids’ Curly Hair

Curly hair is a kind of beauty. However, many kids, even many parents do not realize that. Curly hair is a special type of hair and therefore, requires special care. In case of the kids, the care has to be extra special. There are many tips for taking care of curly hair. There are various curly hair products for kids. Parents need to follow those tips and use the products to keep those curly locks tidy and pretty. Here are some tips for the proud parents of kids with curly hair au naturel.

Comb, Do Not Brush

Brushes are for straight, or wavy hair. Brushes make curly hair frizzier and wilder. For curly haired kids, parents should use combs with wide teeth. The teeth of the comb should be very blunt too because a kid’s scalp can be very delicate and sensitive. Furthermore, curls should not be combed when they are soaked neither when they are completely dry. Curly hair should be combed when it is slightly wet. This is because soaked hair has very weak roots and combing make the curly hair look frizzier. Parents can also use their fingers for combing their kids’ soft locks.

Trim Regularly

Curly hair is drier and more prone to breakage. That is why parents have to trim their kids’ hair regularly. Curly hair needs trimming more often than straight hair because the natural oils cannot reach the entire length of curly hair as they can do with straight hair. In addition, it is better to get the trim done by a professional than trying to do it at home.

Use Products Specially Made for Curly Hair

Parents should use curly hair products for kids. Curly hair gets dried up easily, so it is better not to use shampoo often. Even if it is time for shampooing, parents should use very moisturizing and hydrating shampoo specifically made for curls. Conditioners should be used too, but not straight to the scalps. It is better to use organic and natural products than regular products.

Say No to the Use of Heat and Chemicals

Use of heat is a big no-no for curly haired kids. Parents should never use blow-dryers to dry curly hair. They should let it naturally dry, or air dry the hair. Parents should not use hair straighteners on kids. The use of hot hair straighteners on kids is as risky as it is harmful to their hair. They also need to refrain from using hair gel, mousse as much as possible. Instead of using those, parents can use various organic oils to style the kids’ curly hair.

So parents, do not be intimidated by the curly hair of your kids and do not let them be down about it. Curly hair is beautiful on kids and it can be even more beautiful if taken care of properly. Think carefully and make your own decision.